It’s February. That means winter is on its way out, spring is coming soon, and it’s the season of love.

What do you think of Valentine’s Day? Do you think it’s a silly holiday created to convince you into buying cards, flowers, and candy for your loved one? Do you think it’s an opportunity to create a little romance with your significant other? Or, do you just ignore it completely?

When you love someone, there’s a time for flowers and candy—special tokens of your devotion to each other. But it’s in the day-to-day where gritty—and lasting—love is found. The love that unloads the dishwasher. The love that folds the laundry, washes the car, picks up the kids for the hundredth time. The love that laughs, cries, shows compassion. That’s steady love. Faithful love.

That’s the kind of love I think of when I think of you, our faithful and generous DFN community. You show up for vulnerable children in India. You show up for abused and exploited women. You show up for the poor, the left out, and the left behind.

I am grateful for you every month, but especially this one. Your unwavering commitment to DFN’s mission to free people that society wants to cast aside inspires me. Your prayers, your financial gifts, and your compassion are tangible expressions of Christ’s love for those in need.

I promise you, lives will never be the same because of you. You may never visit India yourself, but you are deeply connected to the people there. And they are connected to you—to us. I’m reminded of Ecclesiastes 4:12:

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
[But] a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Friend, you, plus the people of India, plus the work of DFN, are those three strands. You’re binding up wounds. You’re giving life… hope… freedom… a future to people who need to know someone cares.

I pray that this month, maybe even on Valentine’s Day, you’ll stop for just a moment. You’ll push the candy hearts aside and say a prayer for our friends in India. And you’ll know that I am praying for you, too.