Health brings hope, and hope changes lives. Every person deserves a life of health and hope. The best healthcare is local and includes prevention training.

Mother And Child - Healthcare


brings hope.

Health brings hope, and hope changes lives. Every person deserves a life of health and hope. The best healthcare is local and includes prevention training.

Mother And Child - Healthcare


In the harsh cycle of poverty, healthcare is often an impossible reality. Even when low-cost or free healthcare is available, illiteracy prevents many of the poorest and sickest from knowing where to access it. DFN acts as a bridge between forgotten people and life-saving resources through basic hygiene instruction, initial diagnostic treatment, and preventative health education.

No one should have to choose between medicine or food on the table. No family should have to consider exploitation in order to avoid financial ruin from medical bills. Providing accessible healthcare in metropolitan cities as well as remote villages all over India, eliminates these unthinkable choices. When you join promise you save live and create healthy, flourishing communities!

Join Promise


Members of Promise support healthcare initiatives all over India. From full-service clinics to community health workers in the field, we are committed to serving the poor and marginalized. Your promise operates clinics staffed by doctors and nurses who can advocate for patients with serious health concerns. You also make sure students in our schools are vaccinated, have eye check-ups, and are taught dental hygiene.

Clinicians in the field are committed to a few old adages: — an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and an apple a day keeps the doctor away. That means your promise heals a stubbed toe before it turns into a raging infection. It also means we are constantly expanding the reach of health initiatives through virtual clinics and an expanded network of full-service clinics.


Dignity Freedom Network supports healthcare initiatives all over South Asia. From full-service clinics to community health workers in the field, we are committed to serving the poor and marginalized. Our clinics are staffed by doctors and nurses who can advocate for patients with serious health concerns. Our schools also make sure students are vaccinated, have eye check-ups, and are taught dental hygiene.

Our clinicians are committed to a few standbys — an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and an apple a day keeps the doctor away. That means we are committed to healing a stubbed toe before it turns into a raging infection. It also means we need more healthcare workers in the field. Our medical team also has visions of a hospital to serve even more at a deeper level.


Joining Promise is the very best way to make sure children and their families have a community health worker in their neighborhood. Your commitment allows us to expand health care access across India. It ensures that we continue to educate children who will become the future doctors and nurses in our clinics. Your promise to healthcare spreads the gifts of health to those who can afford it least.

Join Promise now
Healthcare Workers
Patients Served Since January 2020
Communities Served


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