It’s that time of year again.
School is starting soon, and the long days of summer are nearly over. Exhausted parents (and grandparents!) who have been shuttling kids to camps, activities, playdates, and VBS all summer might be counting the days until the school routine is back in full swing.
When my kids were small, the signal that summer was nearly over was the annual “Meet the Teacher Night” at their elementary school. They would speculate on who their teacher might be and share rumours they had heard about how “hard” or “easy” he or she was. On the appointed night, we would make the trek to the school. The kids were a bit anxious and a bit excited at the same time, but inevitably they were relieved once the introductions were made and they learned a bit about their new teacher. Once that night was over, the school year had officially begun in their minds even if they physically didn’t start school for a few more days.
It’s the same for our kids in India.
Meeting their teacher signals the start of a new school year: a new opportunity, new friends, new curriculum, fresh new uniforms and books.
Kids are kids, aren’t they? Whether it is Kranthi who lives in a dusty rural village in India, or Evie who lives in a suburb in America. They both play, learn, laugh, and are sometimes naughty. They need direction, correction, and structure. They desperately need someone to love them and believe in them. They need to know they are created in the image of God and that He loves them and believes in them, too.
As you send the kids in your life off to a brand new school adventure this year, do it with intention, not just relief that the summer is over. Pray WITH them, pray FOR them, be their cheerleader when they need it, be their coach when they need that, extend grace, and nurture them with love. And be assured that our teachers in India, many who function as stand-in parents, are doing the same for our kids there. Please support our students and teachers in India with your prayers. And thank you for your faithful gifts that make a top notch education available to those who would not have access to it without help.
Meet the Teacher Night is a simple ritual, but one that carries weight. It matters. As does each and every child. Their lives are important. Their lives are worth fighting for, and we at DFN, with you as our partners, will keep fighting until every child in every village is free from whatever holds them back from fulfilling their God-given potential.
You can help kids and teachers the best start this school by chipping in for school supplies.