So many who have met Rashit have only seen him for what is missing: He isn’t from a high-class background. He doesn’t have a lot of confidence. He does not have fine clothes. He doesn’t have a father.
When he was just nine years old, Rashit lost his father to suicide, meaning he was kicked out of school and became known for “not having enough money to pay for tuition”. He then had to work to support his family, spending his days chopping wood, doing chores, and helping to care for his siblings.
His entire life became defined by what he had lost.
That is so often what we do, isn’t it? We label people by what we see on the outside. We label each other using ancient stereotypes of what it means to be worthy, to be good, to be smart.
Thankfully, there was someone who saw beyond the labels in Rashit’s dire circumstances. A nearby neighbor believed Rashit deserved a chance to break ancient chains of discrimination and poverty. The neighbor told him about our school and introduced him to our staff. He quickly enrolled!
Now, there are new things to describe Rashit. He loves to learn. He loves recess games like Cricket and Tag. Teachers describe him as one the kindest boys in class.
Most importantly, he is now growing up in a loving school community that lets him decide who he is and who he will become. He is being equipped with all he needs to learn and dream. As long as he can stay in school, he has no chains, no barriers, & no limits on his future.
He is free from labels and free to grow up.
“Your willingness to look for the best in people will subconsciously bring it forth.” — Marianne Williamson
Want to make sure other children like Rashit are given the chance to overcome the labels of their circumstance?
You can help us free 2000 children trapped in poverty through a scholarship for their education.
Because Every Life Matters.
Stories are real, all names and photos have been changed for protection, and are representative.